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21C-SDG (21st Century Skills in the Context of UN’s Social Development Goals) aims to foster skills critical for the development and success of pupils in the 21st century. These include critical thinking, entrepreneurship, media literacy, and creative problem solving.

In order to achieve the project aims, the following activities will be conducted:

  • Development of an educational curriculum, with a special focus on 21st century skills, and UN’s sustainable development goals
  • Development of educational materials targeted at pupils aged 10-15 years
  • Development of an online platform intended as a hub for the materials, also acting as a place to share experiences and best practices between educational institutions
  • Evaluation of the materials and the project as a whole

The project is implemented in cooperation between:

  • Vejle Kommune, Denmark (coordinator)
  • The Hub Nicosia Ltd, Cypern
  • Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • Consorzio Scuola Comunità, Italien
  • Daugavpils pilsetas Izglitibas pervalde, Letland
  • Eco Logic, Nordmakedonien

The project is supported by the EU programme Erasmus+. It is implemented October 1st 2019 – August 31st 2021.

More information
For further information, please contact Elizabeth Gregersen, Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.



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