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SMR (Smart Mature Resilience) is a project that will develop and validate Resilience Management Guidelines, using three pilot projects covering different CI security sectors, as well as climate change and social dynamics.

The Resilience Management Guidelines will provide a robust shield against man-made and natural hazards, enabling society to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including through the preservation and restoration of essential structures and functions.


The project will develop a set of tools that set up crucial interdependent supporting structures of the Resilience Management Guidelines:

  1. A Resilience Maturity Model defining the trajectory of an entity through measurable resilience levels.
  2. A Systematic Risk Assessment Questionnaire that beyond, assessing the entity’s risk, determines its resilience maturity levels.
  3. A Portfolio of Resilience Building Policies that enable the entity’s progression towards higher maturity levels.
  4. A System Dynamics Model allowing to diagnose, monitor and explore the entity’s resilience trajectory as determined by resilience building policies.
  5. A Resilience Engagement and Communication Tool to integrate the wider public in community resilience, including public-private cooperation.


The project is carried out in an intersectional collaboration between municipalities and universities from Spain, Norway, England, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Latvia and Denmark. Overall partnership consists of 13 partners.


The project is funded by the EU program Horizon 2020 for research and innovation. It will be carried out in the period 2015 – 2018.


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