Focus Integration
The Focus Integration project endeavored to identify the initiatives and contributions of migrants’ self-help organizations in promoting their integration to their adapted country.
Based on this identification and a conference held among practitioners and migrants themselves, the project has put forward recommendations to strengthen the participation of self-help organizations in integration of migrants. Focus Integration has focused on the role of self-organizations of migrants as a means of promising approaches for integration and capacity building.
Partners in this project:
- Verein Niedersäcnsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB), Germany
- PARSEC - Cooperativa Sociale a.r.l.onlus, Italy
- Society of Citizens Assisting Migrants, Czech Republic
- ARCA - Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants, Romania
- INTEVAL Ltd., England
- SUR - Slovenská utečenecká rada, n.o., Slovania
- VIFIN, Denmark (Coordinator)
This project was financed by the European Commission, Integration of Third Country Nationals (INTI) Programme. It was implemented from 2007-2009.
More information
Download the publication FOCUS INTEGRATION – Self-organization as a Means to Integration of Third Country Nationals in Europe.