Design thinking is usually used as a method for practical and creative solution of problems. D-Learning (Design Thinking as a Means to Innovative Product Development in Adult Learning) will adapt and transfer the methodology from design thinking to adult education institutions.
D-learning will provide the teachers with a "state of the art" approach that they can use to develop high quality learning activities (such as learning materials and games, e-learning environments, etc.).
The project consists of the following activities:
- Development of D-learning course
- Creation of a guide book to the design thinking method ("D-Learning manual") with recommendations, examples and resources
The project is implemented in cooperation between:
- Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V, Germany (coordinator)
- CESIE, Italy
- SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Limited, Cyprus
- Verein Multicultural, Austria
- Eco Logic, FYR Macedonia
- VIFIN, Denmark
The project is supported by the EU program Erasmus +. It runs from November 2018 to October 2020.
More information
For further information, please contact project manager at VIFIN, Anne Charlotte Petersen:
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