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Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability


The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.

The goal is to support the students' integration into the labour market by improving their linguistic and social competences in industry-specific environments.

The project develops three business-oriented teaching and simulation modules for the following industries:

  • Social and health care area
  • Construction industry
  • Hotel and restaurant industry

In addition, Work-VR also develops a job interview simulator. The simulation modules will allow the students:

  • To learn language and culture that fit the specific industry
  • To solve practical tasks that are carried out within the industry
  • To try how a job interview takes place

For example, the tasks can be to prepare a bed, to build a wall or to measure blood sugar in a citizen. The individual simulation modules are adapted so that the student must constantly try new and increasingly difficult tasks.

The project is implemented in cooperation between:

  • VIFIN, Denmark (coordinator)
  • Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Germany
  • Pistes Solidaires, France
  • Ente Acli Instruzione Professionale Piemonte, Italy
  • SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Limited, Cyprus

The project is supported by the EU program Erasmus +. It runs from September 2018 to August 2020.

More information
For further information, please visit the project's Facebook page: or contact project manager Thomas Hansen:  Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. .



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  • +45 7681 3882
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