Vejen Frem

Vejen frem (The Road Forward) focused on the success stories of a group of migrants and refugees who came to Denmark as adults – aiming to inspire other migrants and refugees.
In the project, a group of refugees and migrants who had managed was trained to go out to relevant institutions and function as mønsterbrydere (pattern breakers). They shared their experiences, and in that way were role models for others.
Companies, associations, and learning institutions could request for migrant participants to make presentations in their offices.
In the project, a website and a printed book were also produced.
The project was implemented in a partnership between Hvidovre Sprogcenter (Language Centre) and VIFIN.
The project was funded by the Danish Ministry for Integration and the Danish Ministry for Education. It was carried out in 2006.
More information
For more information, visit: http://vejenfrem.vifin.dk/.
Printed versions of the publication Vejen frem can be ordered by contacting VIFIN.