The purpose of MigrAID (Educating Social Partners Towards Ethnic Diversity in SMEs) is to improve the skills, knowledge and competencies of social partners in addressing ethnic diversity in EU SMEs.
The project is divided into two main activities: research and training. The research activities will provide the necessary contextual information for better understanding of ethnic diversity in the SMEs of the participant countries, in order to form the VET material accordingly. The training unit includes both an adults’ training program for migrants, along with training curriculum for social partners and ethnic diversity guide for SMEs.
The project is carried out in cooperation with:
- Institoyto Ergasias Kyprou Pagkyprias Ergatikhs Omospondias (PEO) (Cyprus, coordinator)
- KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism (Cyprus)
- Institoutu Ergasias (Greece)
- Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (Greece)
- Universita Degli Studi Di Milano (Italy)
- Enaip Veneto Impresa Sociale (Italy)
- Iriv Conceil (France)
The project is financed by Erasmus+, and is being implemented October 2016 – July 2019.
More information
Find more information on the project’s website: http://migraid.eu/ or the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Educating-Social-Partners-towards-Ethnic-Diversity-in-SMEs-113462695833540/