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Pilot school courses


"Pilot school courses" is a collaboration project between VIFIN, Vinding Skole, Grejsdal Skole, Sprogcenter Vejle and Give Uddannelsescenter. The objective is to ensure competence development at the respective schools and the development of new courses and course formats in VIFIN.


Focus is on development of teaching methods involving digital media. Both course content and format vary at the different schools and are determined jointly by the school leader, the participating teachers and consultants from VIFIN.

  • Depending on the local conditions and needs, there may be:
  • Traditional workshops where teachers get introduced to the use of digital media that are then used in teaching
  • Joint testing of new media / teaching methods where VIFIN consultants have an active role in the specific teaching
  • Teaching planned jointly but carried out by the teachers, with VIFIN’s consultants on the sidelines to provide technical assistance and provide input in relation to the observed teaching
  • Common courses for students and teachers who subsequently assess the learning opportunities
  • Other that appears during the project

The pilot courses are evaluated by evaluation consultants from VIFIN. The evaluation will look at the benefit from the project for the teachers involved, the participating teams and classes and will assess the course models.

The courses are subsequently described and shared via the VIFIN website, on the intranet of the involved schools and, if possible, in relevant academic journals. 


The project participants are:

  • Vinding Skole
  • Grejsdal Skole
  • Sprogcenter Vejle
  • Give Uddannelsescenter
  • VIFIN 


The project is supported by Vejle Municipality. It is implemented in 2015.

More information

For further information, please contact: Anne Charlotte Petersen, Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.

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  • Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle
  • +45 7681 3882
  • 579 80 06 36 13 35
  • 29 18 99 00

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