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The project SEEDS (Social Entrepreneurship Empowering Development in Preschools) aims to develop a European pedagogy aimed at the 21st century and the competencies our children will need to learn in order to be well-functioning citizens and individuals in the future society.

As a basis for this pedagogy, the project will develop innovative methods and tools for the pedagogical use of digital media and work on how entrepreneurial competencies and thinking can be developed in kindergartens. The focus is on social entrepreneurship, which is about being able to master life, being an active participant citizen and creating value for others. In the kindergarten context, entrepreneurship competencies and thinking are about giving the children some basic important competencies, namely being able to think critically, being able to cooperate, being able to collaborate with others and being able to take active action.

The project uses the "experimental communities" method as a co-creative development and learning method with the participation of children, pedagogues, researchers and consultants. Children and pedagogues will create playful and wondering experiments together, with the use of tools such as robots and other forms of technology in interaction with educational topics such as culture, nature, sustainability, community etc.

Six daycare centers participate from Vejle. They will do local activities, cooperate with each other and exchange knowledge with daycare centers in partner countries through partner meetings and international training workshops.

The project will hold a final international conference, and there will be local dissemination events.

The project is implemented in cooperation between:

  • The Daycare Department, Vejle Municipality, Denmark (coordinator)
  • Aarhus University, Denmark
  • CESIE, Italy
  • University of Bremen, Germany
  • SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Limited, Cyprus

The project is supported by Erasmus + and is implemented from September 2018 to October 2020.

More information
For further information, please go to or follow the project on Facebook: You can also contact Jacob Knudsen:  Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.


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  • +45 7681 3882
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