MigrAID Online
MigrAID Online (2019) - is a range of materials and tools for managing and benefiting from ethnic diversity in SMEs. The target group is partly social partners and business leaders, and partly migrants. The materials were developed in the Erasmus + project MigrAID - Educating Social Partners towards Ethnic Diversity in SMEs.
MigrAID Online consists of six parts:
- A Research Study on Migrants' Integration and Ethnic Diversity in SMEs: A Comparative Analysis in Five European Countries - Cyprus, Greece, Italy, France and Denmark. The report is partly an analysis of partner countries' immigration patterns, trends and the resulting legislation, and partly an analysis of a study conducted in partner countries, of attitudes, experiences and qualification needs of trade union representatives and business leaders in relation to ethnic diversity.
- Training on Diversity: Training Manual. Manual for conducting a workshop for refugees and migrants on diversity, discrimination and legislative framework.
- Vocational Educational and Training (VET) Material: Improving Social Partners' Skills and Capacities in terms of Diversity. Information / teaching material for the social partners on how to create the best synergy between companies, trade unions and workers.
- Training Curriculum on Diversity Management for Social Partners. Manual for teaching courses on diversity management for the social partners.
- SME Diversity Guide. Guide on how to, as a small or medium-sized business, best practice diversity management and best utilize diversity to everyone's advantage.
- Conflict Resolution Simulator. A 3D simulator where you can play either an employee or an employer who is presented with, and must solve, a problem in diversity and discrimination.
The materials are freely available here: https://migraid.eu/migraid-online/