"Signs" Goes North


"Signs" Go North will develop an innovative model to enhance cultural diversity and social inclusion. Through visual representations and 'digital storytelling', newly arrived refugees and immigrants will gain access to the local language and culture, as well as local people will be introduced to the cultures and languages of the newcomers.

Refugees and newly arrived immigrants will be presented with language and culture through the city's points of interest in the form of buildings, monuments and the like, through knowledge of everyday essential institutions such as shops, banks, pharmacies, etc. and the natural and urban landscape in terms of parks, lakes, sea, etc. The locals are presented to the language and culture of refugees and newcomers immigrants via digital storytelling. The storytelling and the knowledge of each other are created through workshops where the two groups are brought together. The material is collected in small photo language books and various digital material.

The project consists of the following activities:

The project is carried out in collaboration between:

The project is funded by the EU program Erasmus+. The project will run from 1 December 2017 to 30 November 2019.

More information
For further information, go to the website: http://www.signsinthecity.net/signsgoesnorth or contact Project Manager Anne Charlotte Petersen:  Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.
See also: www.signsinthecity.net - where the method has already been described in relation to previous use.