The main objective of the project IMPACT (Inclusion Matters: Using Performance Arts Towards Cohesion and Tolerance) is to foster social inclusion by developing art strategies, techniques and methodologies, which target refugees and citizens at local level.

The project aims to develop an innovative pedagogy that uses art forms as a means to bring young refugees, asylum seekers and local communities together, and to create understanding, cooperation and social inclusion across groups in society.

The project will promote dialogue, understanding and social inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants by developing a pedagogical method based on art. It will make use of local artists to develop the method.

IMPACT includes the following activities:

The project is implemented in cooperation between:

The project is supported by the EU program Erasmus+ and is implemented from March 2019 to May 2021.

More information
See video from local workshops at the Red Cross asylum center in Jelling, Denmark:

Download guideline for using art forms that promote dialogue, understanding and inclusion here.

For further information, please contact Mikkel Gaardsted Nielsen:  Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. .