Live Circular Canvas

Live Circular Canvas (Circular Thinking in Action – New Skills for Young Adults through Circular Business Models and Digital Storytelling) seeks to build competences for circular economic business practice among young entrepreneurs.
In order to achieve the stated aims, the following activities will be conducted:
- Collect examples of circular business practice, along with the formulation of business models based on these
- To build up a digital library using examples chosen from the collected real life businesses. This includes short movies of a 10 min. duration exemplifying best practices
- The development of a training program based on the previous examples in order to support the development of business based on a circular mindset
- The development of a visual training product based on the previous point
- The development of a digital hub, acting as a central point of connection between the products developed.
The project is implemented in cooperation between:
- Hälsinglands Utbildningsförbund, Sweden (coordinator)
- Dex Innovation Centre, Czech Republic
- Tradigenia SL, Spain
- Fundatia Centrul Educational Spektrum, Romania
- Inthecity Project Development, The Netherlands
- VIFIN, Denmark
The project is supported by the EU programme Erasmus+. It runs from November 1st 2019 – December 31st 2021.
More information
For further information, please visit the website:
You can also contact Maren Andersen:
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