The LADDER project aims to support actions in Europe in raising awareness and strengthening the capacity of associations of local authorities and civil society organizations to act in a sustainable way as drivers for development, fostering their role of multipliers within their countries, communities and networks, to develop a multi-level active engagement in global challenges.
Furthermore the project aims to mobilize greater support for actions against poverty and promote fair relations between developed and developing countries. An important element in the project is changing attitudes to the issues and difficulties that developing countries and their population are facing. In particular the project aims to develop European citizens’ awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world and their role, responsibility and lifestyles in relation to globalised society.
A particular attention will be given to the European Year for Development 2015 and its follow-up.
The project runs over a period for 36 month and involves different activities:
- Capacity Building Activities and Trainings will be carried out on European, national and local level targeted respectively local authorities, educators, civil servants, volunteers, NGOs activists, youth leaders etc.
- Thematic Paths will be identified related to Development Education (such as basis living standards, driver for inclusive and sustainable growth, sustainable management of natural resources, equality, equity and justice; peace and security but also citizens participation in development, youth, gender issues etc).
- Geographical Paths will be identified in European neighboring areas, including Mediterranean, South East Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus. Three geographical Paths will be identified. For each of these paths there will be two leaders (co-chairing system), one coming from an EU member state and the other one coming from the neighboring regions. They will be in charge of developing the geographical paths.
- Educators’ capacity building and networking: Co-applicants, associates and stakeholders will learn from each other (peer education). This action promotes partnership and networking.
- Re-granting scheme: Local and grass root organizations and institutions develop their own projects in the field of development education and awareness raising, contributing to reach the “ordinary” citizens in the targeted communities.
- Theatre as a creative component: Among tools to be used for raising awareness on the addressed developing issues, the project will make use of theatre as a bottom-up approach. Stories from participants will be collected and the theatre will focus on real stories on development.
The partnership consists of 25 partners from 21 European countries located in South East Europe, Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Mediterranean.
VIFIN is the National Coordinator for the work that will be done in Denmark.
The project is funded by EuropeAid and will be implemented in the period 2014-2017.
More information
Find more information on the project's website:
Watch a video about the project: