New ways of cooperating with parents in a multilingual daycare


The project "New ways of cooperating with parents in a multilingual daycare" aims to strengthen cooperation with parents in “Bullerbo” daycare center, thereby strengthening daily educational work with, among other things, language and digital media.

Through enhanced cooperation with the parents, the project will develop a new practice for language learning that, through a range of creative and playful activities, involves children’s and parents' linguistic experiences, as well as uses digital and analogue resources to support language learning.

Through the use of digital media, the project will further support digital education of the children and provide parents with information about the educational possibilities of digital media.

The project will consist of 3 courses of development, all of which consist of an initial start-up meeting with planning and idea creation, followed by a course of so-called micro labs with small experiments. Each course lasts approximately 8 weeks. In micro labs, participants have the opportunity to give sparring to and inspire each other, then try out ideas and methods with the children and, based on the results, develop concrete pedagogical ideas and practices. The project will end with a workshop and a joint event for the partners and parents in Bullerbo.

Finally, a catalog of courses, activities, tools and ideas will be made, to support good parenting and language learning in a multilingual daycare.

Børnehuset Bullerbo, a daycare center in Vejle Municipality, is project owner.

VIFIN is partner in the project and is responsible for facilitating the project's courses of development, the administration and dissemination of the project. VIFIN also gives sparring to the development and testing of activities and methods in practice, the use of digital media, and input to creative and innovative ways of working with language learning and parenting. In addition, VIFIN is responsible for evaluating and disseminating the project.

Other partners in the project are:

The project is funded by BUPL's development fund and runs from August 2017 to June 2018.

More information
For more information about the project, contact Maren Andersen at Denne email adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. .